New energy and comprehensive industry (New energy)

Amprius High Energy Li-ion Polymer Cell Project

Clean package May 5, 2016 - July 27, 2016/Clean package January 22, 2016 - June 10, 2016/Clean package June 20, 2016 - August 20, 2016

Building area: 20,000㎡

Clean area: 12,000㎡

Cleanroom level: Class 10,000/100,000

Product features:development of new electrode materials and high energy sealed li-ion batteries that change the fate of li-ion batteries. The battery silicon cathode of the company is the cathode materials with the highest capacity in the world.

Scope of contracting:clean package/power package/secondary distribution

1.The first li-ion battery project of CESE2, accumulating experience in the li-ion battery industry;

2.The influence of Amprius in the industry provided support for the later cooperation with Ganfeng Lithium.




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